Intro Question – What are common views that people have of “church”?
Bible Section – Take a few minutes to read Mark 2. Feel free to read it and then refer back as you go through the guide below.
Jesus, a friend of “sinners”
Jesus has the authority to forgive sins (Mark 2:1-6)
– Jesus doesn’t teach that we earn forgiveness, but it is something we receive by faith in Him.
Jesus backed up His words with miracles (Mark 2:7-13)
– We should look closely at Jesus’ words AND actions to see if He is who He said He was.
Jesus Hung out with a rough crowd (Mark 2:14-17)
– If Jesus were here to today, people would be shocked by the company He would keep.
– Jesus came to give people a new life and freedom, not to judge and condemn.
Jesus rejected rigid, human religious traditions (Mark 2:18-22)
– Jesus’ way is about knowing and loving Him, not rituals
Jesus removed religious bondage from people (Mark 2:23-28)
– Jesus’ way brings freedom, not bondage.
Closing Thoughts – After seeing Jesus’ kindness to those who had made big mistakes, we know that God does not turn people away becauseIf of mistakes they have made. If you feel comfortable, ask God to begin the process of showing you that He is there and that He is willing to help.