Unfortunately, the statistics in this video are out of date.  At the bottom of this page, there is updated information.

Philippines-Relief-Efforts-BGRAiding Philippines Relief Efforts by working together

Mission Trails Church is a part of a global network of churches and non-profits who daily work to meet physical and spiritual needs.  We partner with thousands of individuals and families around the globe who tirelessly work to empower local people for long term change through the Good News of Jesus.  The two groups we partner with in international relief effort are the International Mission Board and Baptist Global Response.  Both of these groups work together and have long-term workers in many locations around the world.  Here are some FAQs:

What percentage of funds go to help?

100% of funds given to IMB & BGR and designated for relief efforts go towards helping locals in need.

Who does the aid benefit and how is it distributed?  Does it only benefits Christians?

Aid is not distributed only to Christians, but to as many people as possible, no matter what their beliefs are.   We believe that IMB and BGR affect long-term relief efforts in a strategic way.  Here’s an excerpt from one of their directors: “Right now, most every major humanitarian organization has a presence. Few of them will still be around in a month. Agencies like BGR focus on long-term recovery needs, as well as immediate survival needs.”  With tragedy, there is always emotional and spiritual pain as well as physical.  In the process of providing physical aid, those who have questions about Jesus are provided with assistance and local church connections.

How can I help?

At the 11/24 Sunday Service our church will donate all of our weekly offering to support Philippines relief efforts.  Check out more ways you can help at BGR’s webpage: https://gobgr.org/projects/project_detail/typhoon-haiyan/.
