Necessary Sins: Dishonesty

Necessary Sins: Dishonesty Psalm 119:1-8 Common Forms of Dishonesty: MISREPRESENTATION Proverbs 20:10 “False weights and unequal measures*— the Lord detests double standards of every kind.” LYING...
Necessary Sins: Coveting

Necessary Sins: Coveting Galatians 5:16-26 How Do I Break Free from Necessary Sins? Choose to live for the SPIRIT’S desire Galatians 5:16-17 “So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you...
Kevin Thorsell

Kevin Thorsell

Audio A Story of Life Change Kevin shares his story of how he came to faith and navigate times when he was far from...
The Power of a New Beginning

The Power of a New Beginning   How is a New Beginning with Jesus Powerful? Mark 5:1-20 Shows that Jesus’ authority is SUPREME Mark 5:6-8 When Jesus was still some distance away, the man saw...
Never Despise Small Beginnings

Never Despise Small Beginnings  Mark 4:26-34 Jesus always GROWS those who hear & accept Mark 4:26-29 “26 Jesus also said, “The Kingdom of God is like a farmer who scatters seed on the ground....
Bridge to a Relationship

Bridge to a Relationship

Video coming soon Is there a God out there? Is it possible for God to change a life? Definitely yes because with God, all things are possible.  Looking for evidence.  Check out...